Our platform is designed for those dreaming of a career within the EU institutions or keen to gain a deeper understanding of the EU's workings. 

Together, we make sense of complex EU topics through engaging, easy-to-understand modules, an ideal starting point for anyone interested in European politics and public administration. 

About our modules

Our course on the European Union is structured into several modules, each exploring in detail different aspects of the EU institutional framework and policy-making. 

From its historical foundations of European integration to the complex legislative processes and the roles of various EU institutions, each module offers a deep understanding of the EU's political, legal, and administrative dimensions.

  • Historical Context: We begin with a journey through the EU's history, the milestone treaties, discussing its evolution and the key moments that have shaped its current structure.

  • Legislative Framework: A series of modules fan out the legislative procedures within the EU, including the Ordinary Legislative Procedure, special legislative procedures, and comitology, offering insights into the law-making mechanisms of the Union.

  • Budgetary Procedure: Delve into the financial workings of the EU, exploring how budgetary decisions are made and implemented.

  • EU Institutions: We offer an in-depth look at key EU institutions, essentially the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of the EU, the European Council, the European Court of Justice, along with other main bodies and EU agencies.

Each module is tailored to provide not just theoretical knowledge, but also practical insights, making them ideal for both beginners and those with prior knowledge of the EU. 

Engaging content, transcripts and subtitles in multiple languages and case studies enhance the learning experience, making complex concepts accessible.

*Non-English subtitles are machine-translated and might contain inaccuracies.

Everything you need to know about the European Union.

Join us in this journey through the multifaceted world of the EU!

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We're excited to offer a rewarding affiliate program where you can earn a 15% commission on the full amount for every purchase made through your referral. This opportunity is perfect for those passionate about EU careers and looking to recommend high-quality preparation courses to their network. 

If you're ready to join and start earning, just contact us at [email protected] to learn more about how you can become an EU Course affiliate.

Module descriptions

1. History of the European Union
Explore the EU's origins, historical milestones, and main EU Treaties from 1952 until today. Understand the evolution of European integration and how past events shape current policies.

  • The Treaty of Paris (1951 / 1952)
  • The Treaty of Rome (1957 / 1958)
  • The Merger Treaty (1965 / 1967)
  • The Single European Act (1986 / 1987)
  • The Treaty of Maastricht (1992 / 1993)
  • The Treaty of Amsterdam (1997 / 1999)
  • The Treaty of Nice (2001 / 2003)
  • The Treaty of Lisbon (2007 / 2009)
  • EU enlargement timeline

2. Ordinary Legislative Procedure (OLP)
Get insights into the OLP, a crucial legislative process in the EU. Learn about its stages, the roles of different institutions, trialogues, and its significance in EU law-making.

  • Legislative Proposal
  • First reading
  • Second reading
  • Conciliation
  • Third reading
  • Rejection of the proposal

3. Special Legislative Procedures

Examine the specific legislative procedures, from consent to consultation, including their application and implications in EU decision-making processes.

  • The Consent Procedure
  • The Consultation Procedure

4. Comitology

Understand the comitology process in the EU, implementing and delegated acts adopted by the European Commission with oversight from the EU Member States.

  • Comitology in context
  • Delegated acts
  • Implementing acts
  • Comparative tables

5. Budgetary Procedure

Dive into the EU's budgetary procedure, budget proposal, approval, and implementation.

  • Historical background
  • The EU revenue
  • EU expenditure
  • The stages of the budgetary procedure
  • Budget implementation
  • Budgetary control


6. European Commission

Learn about the European Commission's structure, functions, and role in the EU's political and administrative system.

  • The origins of the European Commission and its development
  • The European Commission's internal structure
  • The main roles of the European Commission
  • The European Commission's working process

7. European Parliament

Explore the composition, powers, and functions of the European Parliament, and its role in the EU's political life, legislative, and budgetary processes.

  • The origins of the European Parliament and its development
  • The Members of the European Parliament
  • The European Parliament's internal structure
  • The main roles of the European Parliament
  • Decision-making in the European Parliament
  • How EU citizens influence the work of the EP

8. Council of the EU and European Council

Examine the roles, differences, and interplay between the Council of the EU and the European Council in EU governance.

  • The Council of Ministers: The Council's organization
  • The Council of Ministers: The Council's structures
  • The Council of Ministers: The Council's roles
  • The Council of Ministers: Decision-making in the  Council of Ministers
  • The European Council: The European Council's history
  • The European Council: The European Council's roles

9. The Court of Justice of the European Union (coming before 9 August 2024)
Develop a deeper understanding of the European Union’s judicial pillar, its structure, functioning and case law fundamentals that continue to shape policy and daily life in the Union.

10. The European External Action Service (EEAS)
Learn about the diplomatic body of the European Union and the way it shapes its unified foreign policy. Familiarize yourself with the structure and working method of the external representatives of the Union around the world.

  • Composition of the EAAS
  • How the EAAS works

11. Other EU Bodies and Agencies
Use this overview of significant EU institutions, bodies, and agencies, from the European Medicines Agency to the European Chemicals Agency or the European Court of Auditors and European Central Bank, to have a clear idea about their functions and contributions to the EU's overall framework.

  • The consultative bodies (EESC, CoR)
  • The financial bodies (Europan Court of Auditors, ECB...)
  • The controlling bodies (European Ombudsman...)
  • The decentralised bodies (51 EU agencies)

12. EU Essentials: Euro, Schengen, EU Glossary & More 
Approach this special module with curiosity, as it will take you through various concepts important to your study of the European Union. From intricate historical topics to details of decision-making, EU integration, as well as institutions and law, navigate with us and let’s shed light together upon everything there is to know.

  • EU history
  • EU decision-making
  • EU institutions and law
  • European integration

Our instructors

Who is this course for?

  • EPSO candidates preparing to pass their EU Knowledge test

  • Aspiring diplomats, NGO activists, lobbyists

  • University students in European studies

  • Anyone interested in the European Union